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Why I am Here

Financial Coach & Teacher

As a teacher teaching Personal Finance high school, it is amazing how many times I have heard, "I wish they taught this when I was in school." Seeing many people struggle financially due to poor decision making, etc. opened my eyes to how many need guidance and to learn the practical matters regarding their money.  This is where Practical Money Matters came from.  I teach practical matters regarding money in hopes to help everyday people like you and me win financially. Many spend so much time trying to get rich that they miss out on so many moments.  

Proverbs 1:19 says "Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life." I also see many weighted down by the pressures of debt which reminded me Proverbs 22:7 "The borrower is the slave to the lender." My goal is to help you learn how to get out of debt and win financially in a practical way so you can spend your time enjoying your life and all God has blessed you with. Learning personal finance is easy. The challenge is making good behaviors and wise decisions. Applying it requires intentionality and building good habits.  You can do it! You can be debt free! You can win with your money.

Calculator and Finances
Notepad on Desk

Financial Coaching Sessions Coming soon.

Do you have hopes and dreams? Want to eliminate the debt in your life? Schedule a free consultation so we can determine if financial coaching is for you. 



What is a financial coach? A financial coach is someone who can help you learn how to reach your goals, manage your money, build savings, create financial plan, or to teach you how to pay down debt. A good coach is one in your corner guiding you to win with your money.  


You can do it! Schedule your free consultation to discuss your hopes and dreams so we can determine if coaching is for you.

Prefer your own speed?

In today's world, everyone has full schedules. Learning on the go is preferred by many. Check out our blog and keep up with the latest articles. Also, coming soon we will have downloadable classes to learn at your own speed. In addition, keep an eye out for our podcasts.

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